Jacques Charrier

Born in Bondy, France in 1959, Jacques Charrier studied Fine Arts and Linguistics at the University of Nantes. After working as a French and Spanish teacher as well as a modern dance and flamenco instructor, Charrier became an artist in 1990 and continues working in France, Spain, and Thailand.
[Support] Dec 4, 2000〜May 31, 2001
Activities during the residency
Charrier stayed in Fukuoka as a researcher while Montri Toemsombat was in Fukuoka under the Japan Foundation fellowship. Charrier conducted his research on "Perspectives of materials and products that save the aesthetics in life (art and fashion)" and researched farming families and traditional crafts in Fukuoka. Charrier also created a buffalo in papier mache and did the performance "Laughed Buffalo" at the Asian Art Festival 2002 in March 2002.