Darmaa Batmunkh

Born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 1972. Graduated Department of Painting, School of Fine Art, Ulaanbaatar 1992. Graduated Class of Painting, College of Fine Art 1994. Currently teaching painting at same institution. Came to Japan under the Youth Exchange Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs July 2000. After Japanese language training began residence at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum for research into art history and museology.
[Support] Oct 16, 2000〜Mar 9, 2001
Exchange Activity
Came to Japan under the Youth Exchange Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for investigation and research into contemporary art and museum education at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. Drew pictures of Mongolian horses, held workshops for elementary school children, and executed a 40-meter sheet of horse pictures in public at the Asian Art Festival 2001 held in March, as well as a number of other exchange activities with the general public.
Activity Schedule
October 16
Arrival in Fukuoka.
Participated in the 5th Oita Asia Sculpture Exhibition.
Viewed Noko Project 2000 in Irori Village, Nokonoshima Island.
Participated in open teaching at 44th Fukuoka Prefectural Junior High School Art Education Workshop (Open Studio).
Visited Kyushu Institute of Design and Kyushu Sangyo University.
November 16
Workshop with students from Fukuma Town Kojin-Higashi Elementary School, at AJIBI Hall.
December 21
Visit to Yame with Montri Toemsombat, a researcher on the Support Program and others.
January 27
Visit to Hiroshima with Chief Curator Ushirokoji.
February 3
Invited to Fukuma Town Kojin-Higashi Elementary School.
Entered 10th Oshaberi Contest (organized by the Chiisana-kokusai-koryu-no-kai), taking the Bronze Medal.
March 3
Open studio of a 40-meter sheet of horse pictures at the Asian Art Festival 2001.