Montri Toemsombat Jacques Charrier

Montri Toemsombat
Born Chaiyaphum, Thailand 1975. Graduated Chulalonglorn University 1997. Participated in group exhibitions in Thailand and Germany while at the university, including installations using rice plants and performances. Also active in costume design, in the world of fashion. Participated in the 1st Fukuoka Triennale in 1999.
Jacques Charrier
Born Bondy, France 1959. Studied art and language at NantesUniversity, later teaching French, Spanish, modern jazz and flamenco dancing. Active as an artist in France, Spain and Thailand from 1990. Participated in many exhibitions in Thailand as performer, choreographer and producer. Stayed as a partner of Montri Toemsombat.
[Support] Dec 4, 2000〜May 31, 2001
Exchange Activity
Montri Toemsombat, who was invited under the Japan Foundation Fellowship Program 2000, was resident at the FAAM with Jacques Charrier. His research activity was on the theme of "Viewpoints on materials and products to accent beauty in daily life (art and fashion)." He investigated farms and traditional crafts in the Fukuoka region, holding a workshop and a performance of Khwae Hai (The Lost Buffalo) at the Asian Art Festival 2001.
Activity Schedule
December 14
Arrival in Fukuoka.
Visit to Yame to research materials for use in work. Toured Yame Traditional Craftwork Center, handmade paper plant, and Matsunobu Yame-ya (arrow) Factory.
Started planning for a workshop and performance at the Asian Art Festival 2001.
February 2
Discussed his works with students from Fukuoka Junior High School touring the gallery.
Began to produce many small buffalos of clay, along with a life-size water buffalo of paper mâché.
February 19
Performance check at the Atrium Garden.
Rehearsal at AJIBI Hall.
March 3
Workshop and performance at the Asian Art Festival 2001.
April 28
Performance at former Ohama Elementary School, consisting of burning the life-size buffalo made for the Asian Art Festival 2001.
May 31