Tengku Sabri Tengku Ibrahim

Born in Trengganu, Malaysia 1961. BAF in Art & Design, University Technology MARA.Studied wood sculpture. Received MA in Art & Education from De Montfort University (UK) 1999. Has participated in many international Project, including the Innenseite: Installation Project, Kassel, Germany, 1997.
[Residence Program] Aug 22, 2000〜Nov 11, 2000
Exchange activity
Produced the installation "iNSIDE eNCOUNTERS(tTE IABYRINTH rEVISITED)" using a corner of the Open Studio as exhibition space. Wire art objects were produced, and cord lattices were placed on floor, ceiling and all four walls, while the entire array was covered in white ribbons. This strange, maze-like space astounded visitors. The countless ribbons were attached by the volunteer staff members and other people visiting the studio. In Asaji Town, Oita Prefecture the artist worked with junior high school students to create a vortex pattern in dried grasses on the hillside.He earned respect with his silent determination to continue the project to completion.
Activity schedule
August 22
Arrival in Fukuoka.
August 26
Explanation of activity plans for in-residence period to volunteer staff members at AJIBI Hall. Volunteer staff members determined.
August 27
Collection of branches, rock and other materials with volunteer staff members, at mountains and seashore.
August 29
Meeting in Asaji Town, Oita Prefecture in preparation for workshop within the 5th Oita Asia Sculpture Exhibition at the Asakura Fumio Memorial Hall located there.
August 30
Production begun with collected branches.
September 9
Production of art objects begun with wire.
Collection of branches at Ohori Park with volunteer staff members.
TaIked about his work in progress with seven students from the Nagasaki University Junior High School.
Attended "Art Picnic" workshop of Museum City Fukuoka 2000.
October 1
Viewed a performance of Ikemizu Keiichi held as a part of Museum City Fukuoka 2000.Began stringing cord throughout the Open Studio, which was to be used as an exhibition space.
Viewed Noko Project 2000 in Irori Village, Nokonoshima Island. That evening, viewed the Hakata Tomyo Lantern Festival.
Began hanging lattice-like work from the ceiling and attaching ribbons.
Talked about works in progress with students from Kyushu Sangyo University, who came as part of their study.
Held earth work workshop with local junior high school students at opening of 5th Oita Asia Sculpture Exhibition.
Sujith made drawings over one wall of the installation.
Participated in open lecture at 44th Fukuoka Prefectural Junior High School Art Education Workshop (Open Gallery).
November 3
Following the opening ceremony of the Winds of Artist in Residence 2000, spoke at AJIBI Hall, with 50 participants.