Kim Youngjin

Born in Busan, Korea 1961. M.F.A. in Sculpture,Graduata School of Hong-Ik University 1992. Resided in New York 1994-95, participating in PS-1 International Studio Program. Held Asian Artist Today-Fukuoka Annual IX: Kim Young-jin Exhibition at the Fukuoka Art Museum in 1995. Active in many international exhibitions, including The 3rd "Asia Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia, 1999.
[Residence Program] Nov 1, 2000〜Nov 8, 2000
Activities during the residency
During the period of residence, the artist captured 229 Fukuokan women of various ages on videotape in his video installation entitled "Swings – Mother's Mirror." In the installation, four small videoprojectors mounted on a motorized swing projected images of women riding a swing onto the four surrounding walls. Produced video imagery for the information TV shown on the first floor of the FAAM, capturing the hands of Fukuokans doing embroidery. Held workshop at an elementary school in Fukuoka, helping children make new artistic discoveries, such as magnified views of water droplets projected on a wall. During the period of residence, the artist involved many other people in his activities.
Activity schedule
November 1
Arrival in Fukuoka to set up works for the Wins of Artist in Residence 2000.
Following the opening ceremony of the Winds of Artist in Residence 2000, spoke at AJIBI Hall, with 62 participants.
Edited video imagery used in information TV (until November 7).