Sujith Ratnayake

Born in Ranna, Sri Lanka 1971. Received BFA from Institute of Aesthetic Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Participation in numerous exhibitions, including New Directio (Mount Castle Gallery, 1998), New Artists Exhibition (National Art Gallery,Colombo, 1999), and The 9th Asian Art Bangladesh Biennale1999 (Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka, 1999).
[Residence Program] Aug 7, 2000〜Nov 7, 2000
Exchange activity
Completed the "Wounds for Sale" installation in three months in accordance with a prepared plan, expressing the anxieties of people living in today's consumption-oriented society through pictures, photographs and objects. Many volunteer staff members and other people cooperated in stretching canvas, outputting computer imagery and setting up the installation. At the exhibition site, the audio environment including an ambulance siren and film soundtracks, and illumination was also engineered to present a unique space. Many people experienced diverse artistic exchange through participation in his production and workshops.
Activity schedule
August 7
Arrival in Fukuoka.
Work begun on capturing imagery of eyes for use in work with digital camera, and outputting the results from a computer.
Started stretching canvas.
Visit to Fukuoka Art Museum.
Explanation of activity plans for in-residence period to volunteer staff members at AJIBI Hall. Volunteer staff members assigned.
Meeting in Asaji Town, Oita Prefecture in preparation for workshop within the 5th Oita Asia Sculpture Exhibition at the Asakura Fumio Memorial Hall located there.
Work begun on painting at loading area, 1st floor, FAAM.
September 18
Visited Hojo-e at Hakozaki-gu Shrine.
Talked about his works in progress with seven students from the Nagasaki University Junior High School.
Attended "Art Picnic" workshop of Museum City FUKUOKA 2000.
October 1
Viewed a performance of Ikemizu Keiichi held as a part of Museum City Fukuoka 2000.
Viewed Noko Project 2000 in Irori Village, Nokonoshima Island. That evening, viewed the Hakata Tomyo Lantern Festival.
Talked about works in progress with students from Kyushu Sangyo University, who came as part of their study.
Held collage workshop with local junior high school students at opening of 5th Oita Asia Sculpture Exhibition.
Presented open lecture at 44th Fukuoka Prefectural Junior High School Art Education Workshop (Open Studio).
November 3
Following the opening ceremony of the Winds Artist in Residence 2000, spoke at AJIBI Hall, with 52 participants.