DOCUPERU (Jose Balado & Jimena Mora)

Founded in 2003
○Jose Balado
Born in 1961, Carolina, Puerto Rico. (currently lives in Lima, Peru)
2003 - Founder and Director of DOCUPERU
2012 - Documentary Film Professor at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Peru) and Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)
○Jimena Mora
Born in 1979, Peru. (currently lives in Lima)
2015 - Documentary Film Professor at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru)
[Residence Program] Jan 10, 2023〜Mar 10, 2023
DOCUPERU Official website
For 20 years since their foundation, Docuperu has produced more than 350 documentary films in Peru and other Latin American countries.
They have mantained close relationships with the local people and their history when making films.
During their residency stay in Fukuoka, Docuperu plans to create 4 short documentary films with appreciation towards memory, people, traditions and customs in Fukuoka. 3 of the short documentary films will be created by young students majoring in cinema, media studies or visual arts using DOCUPERU´s methodology. In addition they would also share their unique experiences and methodologies about participatory documentary workshops with the students.
WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 Documentation and Expression ― Pause, than start moving again
Interaction Diary

February 25 ―Opening Event for the Residency Artist’s Exhibition: Film Screening with the Artist Talk “Woven Memories” (AJIBI Hall, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
Screening of 5 short documentary films directed by DOCUPERU and 4 other groups of workshop participants, followed by their talks.

February 25-March 5 ―WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 Documentation and Expression —Pause, then start moving again
Exhibition of the documentary films ; Oh verde, mi querido verde(Oh green, my beloved green), residency work directed by DOCUPERU and 4 other films made by the workshop participants, Here are the cabbage and the lantern, KUMU, Mónica:Yo Simplemente Vivo, and NOT ALONE, in the Artist Cafe Fukuoka’s studio and FAAM.

February 5-7 ―Shooting in Ukiha City (Second Session)
Shooting in Ukiha City .

February 5 ―DOCUPERU SCREENING: Documentary Film Screening and Talk
(AJIBI Hall, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
A film screening of the seven documentaries previously made in DOCUPERU’s workshop and another film titled Bruma(Mist), directed by José Balado. The event was followed by a talk session.

January 28-Feburary 1 ―Shooting in Ukiha (First Session)
DOCUPERU travelled to Ukiha city and stayed there for a few days, for their shooting of Matsuno Farm as well as daily lives of the local people.

January 27 ―Visit to Fukuoka City Public Library and Fukuoka City Museum
DOCUPERU browsed some film archive materials held by Fukuoka city public library, which are related to Asian countries or regions, Japan, and Fukuoka.

January 23 ―Visit to Ukiha City
The artists made a preliminary visit to Ukiha city to prepare for the shooting of their documentary. They met local farmers and dairy farmers, saw their working places, and did an interview.

January 22 ―Artist Talk DOCUPERU × Shimodera Takanori ×Nagano Sakurako : Meet with, Walk around and Listen in Fukuoka (Studio in the Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
DOCUPERU talked about their previous works including the fact that they have made more than 350 documentary films in Latin American countries. They also explained plans about their new work while referring to their methodology for documentary film making.

January 17 ―First day of the film making workshop “Woven Memories”
DOCUPERU started their film-making workshop for short documentaries, an intensive course ran for 6 weeks. Participants were 23 people and they were divided into 4 groups.