Keng Chieh-Sheng (耿傑生)

Born in 1989, Taiwan (currently lives in Taipei)
2016 Exchange Program, Department of Sculpture, Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2019 M.F.A., Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2021 Solo Exhibition(Materiality and Perception, FreeS Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan)
2022 Solo Exhibition(In Action, Da Xiang Art Space, Taichung, Taiwan)
[Residence Program] Sep 20, 2022〜Dec 14, 2022
Keng Chieh-Sheng[耿傑生]・instagram
The artist has been creating objects and installations, focusing on people's customs and their physicality in Taiwan and East Asia.
His works also include mixed media works and wood sculptures which emphasize to the textures of wood.
Keng Chieh-Sheng hopes to conduct multilateral research during the residency in Fukuoka, focusing on the fact that the surrounding area of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum was once the sea.
The artist would like to examine the concept of land reclamation and water displacement in Japan to create new installation work.
By referring to cultural language, memory, body, and the environment, he tries to imply how these things relate to human activities.
WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 Tracing the Boundaries--Stone, Breathing, and Land Reclamation
Interaction Diary

December 3-11 ―WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 : Tracing the Boundaries – Stone, Breathing, and Land Reclamation
Works on display at Honjo-yu.

December 3-11 ―WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 : Tracing the Boundaries – Stone, Breathing, and Land Reclamation
Works on display at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.

December 3-11 ―WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022 : Tracing the Boundaries – Stone, Breathing, and Land Reclamation
Keng exhibited his residency work Water Cycle in three different venues : Honjo-yu(local public bath), Artist Cafe Fukuoka, and Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.

December 3 ―Gallery Talk
(held at Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Keng explained about his artwork and its making process, deriving from his initial question in mind, “Where does the water go after land reclamation?.” He also told his impression of the rich natural environment that he encountered while walking along many places concerning water in Fukuoka.

November 30 ―Preparation for the Residency Exhibition (WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2022) at Honjo-yu
Keng put his dry mermaid objects at the entrance of public bath Honjo-yu, one of the exhibition venues for his installation work Water Cycle.

November 23 ―Voice recording of the audio work
(at the studio of a local radio station LOVE FM)
Keng invited Kang IkJoon (biology professor at Kyushu University), who knows about the ecology of Kappa and Y-shi, a person with much knowledge about the local history of Fukuoka, to join a roundtable discussion with him, and recorded the talk as if they were taking part of a radio program.

November 18 ―Shooting for the video work
For the shooting of the video work titled Water Cycle, Keng carried a wooden bath tub on his back and walked around the city of Fukuoka, visiting several locations related to water.
(Videographer : Makizono Kenji and Koga Keiji)

November 17 ―Artist Talk
(held at ABIJI Hall)
Keng shared fun facts about weather, traffic, and local food in Taiwan in front of students from Arita Elementary School.

November 9 ―Visit to Honjo-yu
Keng visited a local public bath place Honjo-yu (located in Chuo-ku, Imaizumi), to prepare for his residency exhibition.

October 22 ―Hakata Toumyou Lantern Arts Festival
The Kappa-Ningyo*, lanterns designed and prepared on the ground by the artist was exhibited at the Festa Aquare(a small hallway between Hotel Okura and Riverain Center Blg.).
*Kappa is a Japanese goblin, a green-skinned creature with webbed hands and feet, which lives near the water, such as ponds or rivers. Ningyo stands for a mermaid in Japanese, an aquatic creature which has the upper body of a human figure and the tail of a fish.

October 16 ―Volunteer’s Welcome Party
(at the studio located inside Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Keng joined a welcome party organized by the FAAM volunteers.

October 12 ―Visit to the rain water reservoir for flood control in Sanno
The three artists invited for the 2nd term of residency program were given detailed explanations from the staffs working at Fukuoka Chubu Water Processing Center, and visited two retention basins, No.1 and No.2 Sanno rainwater basins.

October 10 ―Artist Talk “What is the Artist in Residence Program ?” (held in the studio located in the Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Based on his experience studying wood sculpture, Keng talked about his previous works including sculptures, installations, and video works which incorporated his perspectives on space and perception. He also shared his residency schedules in Fukuoka.

September 29 ―Research at Fukuoka City Museum
Keng met the museum curator Miyano Hiroki to inquire about the history of coastline in Fukuoka city.