Visual artist
Lim Sokchanlina

Born in 1987 in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia. The artist participated in the "Sunshower" exhibition toured to Fukuoka in 2017 with his photographic works of sliced houses due to the construction of the state road. The artist deals with social issues that Cambodia faces.
[Support] Mar 1, 2019〜Mar 31, 2019
Lim Sokchanlina Official website
Activities during the residency
Lim Sokchanlina stayed in Fukuoka with the support from Japan Foundation Asia Center and conducted his research on Cambodian migrant workers in Fukuoka. During his stay in Fukuoka, he met migrant workers and organized a gathering at the museum where Japanese and Cambodian come together and enjoy Cambodian food served by the local Cambodian restaurant owner, Ms. Sros Chhom.