Lee Yulin

Born in 1963.After graduating from Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University, she completed MA Comparative Culture, Asian Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo. Worked at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum from 1993 to 2000. Currently working as an independent curator. Researches on Japanese contemporary artists and the collection of the FAAM. Stays from 14 May to 13 August.
[Residence Program] May 14, 2001〜Aug 15, 2001
Works description
She was involved in the shortlising of Japanese artists for the 2nd Fukuoka Triennale. She travelled around Kanto and Kansai regions in addition to Fukuoka for the research, meeting artists, visiting art museums and galleries very energetically. She came back to Fukuoka after she finished her residence programme to hold a symposium and presented the outcome of the residence programme.
Activity Schedule
March 17
Retumed to Fukuoka.
Hosted a symposium'Artists and Artist-space in Asia: Growth,
Interactivity and Creation'(120 people attended, see page 19)
March 25
Left Fukuoka.