Kham Tanh Saliankham

Born in Vientiane, Lao 1973. Gaduated from National Fine Art School.Teaching painting at National Fine Art School from 1996. Lives and works in Vientiane.
[Residence Program] May 15, 2001〜Aug 12, 2001
Exchange Activities
Kham Thanh Saliankham oil painted people and temples in Laos using drawing he brought from Laos. After that he painted shrines and the ocean which he saw in Fukuoka, and then compared the cultures in Laos and Japan. He also attended university classes of drawing nude women, held a workshop for 120 elementary school children, and did a performance. He experienced many different things that he had never done in Laos, which inspired him to make works of art.
Activity Schedule
May 15
Arrived in Fukuoka.
May 19
Explained his schedule during his stay in Fukuoka to volunteer staff in AJIBI Hall. Volunteer for him were assigned.
May 21
The chief curator Ushiroshoji lectured on the outline of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.
May 22
Visited lumber stores and hardware stores to look for materials for his artwork. He started making cavas and painting around this time.
Visited Kyushu Sangyo University. He met the art depatment dean, Prof. Udagawa Norito and decided to take Ass. Prof. Imazumi Kenji's drawing and oil paiting classes.
May 26
Trip to Itoshima area with his volunteer staff for sketching.
May 28
Went to Kyushu Sangyo University to attend classes. He started attending classes every Monday and Wednesday until the end of June.
May 31
Trip to Itoshima area with his volunteers for sketching.
June 4
Ass. Prof. Imaizumi Kenji became his local associate artist.
June 12
Visited Fukuoka Art Museum.
June 16
Trip to Dazaifu with his volunteer staff for sketching.
June 27
Sarted preparing for a workshop in Wakamiya Elementary School.
July 6
Had a workshop at Wakamiya Elementary School.(120 students attended)
July 7
Visited galleries in Fukuoka City. He saw the "Kawachi Tomoki Exhibition~experimental typogapthy~"(at Art Space Baku), "REAL AND IMAGINARY FLOWERS TOMATO PROJECT"(at Mitsubishi-jisho ARTIUM) and "The Introduction of Taiwan's Contemporary Art Vol.9 / SHIH-FEN LIU "(MOMA Contemporary)
July 14
Attended a reception of Rikrit Tiravanja's"Passage Cosmo 2001"(at CCA Kitakyushu Project Gallery)
July 15
Wached Hakata Gion Yamakasa Oiyama festival at dawn.
July 21
Saw"Medieval Hakata Exhibition" in Sea Side Momochi Park.
July 22
Held "Asian Family Workshop: Let's Make Lai Lao (Laotian Decorations)" (45 people attended)
July 30
Had lecture to Kashi Daini Junior High School art clud members at Artists' Gallery (18 students attended). An artist in the City of Kitakyushu, Mr. Suzuki Atsushi, visited him at the studio.
July 31
Trip to Yame City with his volunteers.
August 8
Trip to Usuki City in Oita Prefecture with Ass. Prof. Imaizumi Kenji.
August 9
Displayed his artwork with help of Mr. Suzuki Atsushi.
August 11
Had a performance "Baci" at Artists' Gallery. (94 people attended)
August 12 to 26
Exhibited his works during his stay Fukuoka at Artists' Gallery
August 12
Went back to Laos.