Chen Wei-chen [陳為榛]

Born in 1993, Lives and works in New Taipei, Taiwan
2023 (Solo) "Plywood", " Geometric Encoding 2023", YIRI BACK_Y, Taipei
2021 "Tomorrow, Towarding" MoCA Taipei, Taipei
2021 "Place of Being. Space and Materiality in Taiwan's Avant-Garde Art, 1980-2021 " National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2020 (Solo) "Geometry, Empty Can", IT PARK, Taipei
※Portrait photo by Liu,chi-tung
[Residence Program] Oct 3, 2023〜Dec 20, 2023
Chen Wei-chen [陳為榛] Official website
Chen Wei-chen[陳為榛] Offieial Instagram
For Chen, The origin of art is contemplated through observations made on everyday materials. Through practice and reconsideration of concepts such as ready-made, appropriation, and classic beauty, trajectories are extended from self-experience, cultural identity and circumstantial consciousness. Attempts are also made to allow materials under the artist’s control to be seen in ways that are different from their usual controlled and disciplined functions, meaning, and referential qualities.
During the residency in Fukuoka, she hopes to continue her interest of street observations to find different possibilities in another city with a dissimilar landscape–Fukuoka in this case. She would like to visit the streets and corners of Fukuoka City and record things that interest her. She may present the result of her imagination as inspired through a street scene by sculptures, installations, sketches or even furniture, other design products, etc.
WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2023 Fukuoka Landscape―through the traces and fragmented memories
Interaction Diary

December 16 ― Closing Talk: My Street Observation in Fukuoka: A “Boring” Photo Slideshow
Wei-chen showed her photos taken on the streets of Fukuoka in a slideshow sorted by themes. She also mentioned her photo booklet made as part of her art documentation, which was available to look at the venue.

December 9 ― Gallery Talk: Chen Wei-chen and Koga Yoshihiro
(Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Wei-chen shared her travel experience in the city of Fukuoka by bike and her art-making in which she put her inspirations from the local old houses, tiles, or signs that look familiar at first but are different from those in Taiwan. She also had a conversation with another invited artist Koga Yoshihiro and asked questions about his artworks.

December 9-25 ―Residency Exhibition WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2023 Fukuoka Landscape―through the traces and fragmented memories
(Art Cafe, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)
Another three works, Braille Block Bench, Braille Block in Fukuoka, and Ashtray in Fukuoka were exhibited in the museum.
Photo credit: Kawasaki Ittoku

December 9-17―Residency Exhibition WINDS OF ARTIST IN RESIDENCE 2023 Fukuoka Landscape―through the traces and fragmented memories
(Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Wei-chen exhibited her five works made during the residency inside the gallery space; Crevices and Wall, Tomare, Bricks and Crow, and Drainage Cover and Cigarette Butt. Another work, Tiles and Plant was shown in front of the stairs outside the gallery.
Photo credit: Kawasaki Ittoku

December 3 ―Art Making
Wei-chen and Koga Yoshihiro, another invited artist, shared the same studio. Both worked hard and independently. Using a pincette, Wei-Chen concentrated on putting the cigarette butts into the gaps of the drainage cover, which is part of her new installation work.

November 22 ―Preparation for the Exhibition
On this day, Wei-chen shifted her workplace from the studio to the gallery space, where the exhibition takes place. She then started preparing for the show by carefully arranging her works and materials she collected, one by one, often looking at them thoughtfully from a distance.

November 11 ―Welcome Party organized by FAAM Volunteers
Wei-chen and Koga explained their ongoing works in the studio to FAAM volunteers. The two artists answered some questions, such as their impressions of Fukuoka city.

November7 ―Visit to the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine
Guided by the curator Anderson Eri at the cultural research center of the Dazaifu Tenmangu, Wei-chen had a look inside the shrine to see its architecture and some contemporary artworks.

November5 ―Art-Making
Wei-chen started working in studio after doing research around the city.

November2 ―Getting Art Materials
Wei-chen went to buy some art materials with Koga Yoshihiro, another artist invited for the second term of FAAM AIR Program 2023.

October 21-Hakata Toumyou Lantern Arts Festival
Lantern arts (toumyou) designed by the artist were arranged on the ground at the Festa Square (an alley between Hotel Okura and Hakata Riverain Center Bldg.) at night.

October 14 – Artist Talk
(held at the community space in the Artist Cafe Fukuoka)
Wei-chen talked about her previous artwork using keywords such as “comprehension of the three-dimensional space through the two-dimension,” “point of view in material culture,” “digital tools,” and “mystery in daily life.” The artist also told plans during the residency, which is to document interesting things she found on the streets in Fukuoka to make an installation piece.

October 6 – Kyushu Sangyo University and art spaces in Fukuoka city
With guidance from Prof. Robert Platt, Wei-chen visited Faculty of Art and Design of Kyushu Sangyo University and Zokei Junior College of Art and Design located in the same university. In the afternoon, the artist also went to contemporary art places such as OVERGROUND, office sponge, lolo space, art space baku, and art space tetra.

October 4 – First day in Artist Cafe Fukuoka
After receiving a guidance from FAAM curators and coordinators, Wei-chen had a look around other spaces and facilities at Artist Cafe Fukuoka.