Nguen Manh Hai

Born in 1978. Graduated from Hanoi University of Technology. Since 2001, has worked at the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts as a specialist in the restoration and exhibition room. Arrived in Japan in September 2004 as a long-term exchange student under the auspices of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After receiving some Japanese language studies, arrived at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum to research methodology for conserving and restoring art works.
[Support] Nov 24, 2004〜Feb 4, 2005
Exchange Activities
Manh Hai's devoted schedule of activities while in Fukuoka included studying the conservation and restoration of art materials at FAAM, discussions with a Fukuoka-based art restorer, and visiting the new Kyushu National Museum the day before it opened to investigate the conservation and restoration methods and facilities employed.
Activity Schedule
November 24
Arrived in Fukuoka.
November 25
Held discussion about her studies during stay in Fukuoka. December 9
Began attending a five-part talk by art restorer Mori Kyoko about art restoration and conservation. The first lecture was titled "Restoration and conservation today - Japan".
December 15
Attended second installation of lecture series, titled "Restoration and conservation today - Overseas".
December 20
Visited the Kyushu National Museum, Received explanation about the museum's present approach to conservation and restoration, and was shown around the archive areas and restoration facilities.
December 21
Attended third part of lecture, "Conservation and restoration of oil paintings".
January 11
Attended fourth part of lecture, "Conservation and restoration of paper works".
January 18
Attended fifth part of lecture, "Frames and packaging".
January 21-22
Visited the Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art and Oita City Art Museum.
January 27
Visited Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum and February Hiroshima Museum of Art.
January 4
Flew to Tokyo.