Visual artist Indonesia

Budi Agung Kuswara

2012 Residence Program

Born 1982 in Indonesia. An artist at the forefront of new-generation art in Bali.

[Residence Program] May 16, 2012〜Jul 24, 2012

Activities during the residency

The artist used old plastic bags and other discarded items to make figures of Ogoh-ogoh, mythical Balinese monsters said to symbolize human evil, and often featured in traditional Balinese ceremonies on New Year’s Eve. He then photographed his creations in monochrome, and created three collage-type paintings on canvas using these images. Budi also held a workshop in which 80 high school students made Ogoh-ogoh out of cardboard boxes and other materials. He then created a video work showing himself parading his own creation, featuring some of the students who helped.

The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work
The artist at work


June 12 – ‘Making My Original Ogoh-ogoh’
Participants: 133 sixth-graders from Atago Elementary School (venue: Sculpture Lounge, Ajibi Hall)
July 14 – ‘Making Balinese Ogoh-ogoh’
Participants: 80 art and craft students featured in the ‘18th Kyushu High School Cultural Federation Exhibition of Art, Crafts, Calligraphy and Photography, Fukuoka’ (venue: Sculpture Lounge, Ajibi Hall)

June 12 – ‘Making My Original Ogoh-ogoh’
June 12 – ‘Making My Original Ogoh-ogoh’
June 12 – ‘Making My Original Ogoh-ogoh’
July 14 ‘Making Balinese Ogoh-ogoh’
July 14 ‘Making Balinese Ogoh-ogoh’
July 14 ‘Making Balinese Ogoh-ogoh’


May 19 – The artist introduced his work to date, and discussed his plans for the Fukuoka residency artwork.
Participants: 40 general admissions (venue: Ajibi Hall)
July 3 – Budi talked about his work to students visiting for an art excursion.
Participants: 246 Year 1 students from Harakita Junior High School (venue: Artists’ Lounge)
July 15 – Lecture and critical review of works from the ‘18th Kyushu High School Cultural Federation Exhibition of Art, Crafts, Calligraphy and Photography, Fukuoka’
Participants: 280 selected students from all eight prefectures in Kyushu (venue: Tsukushi Hall)
July 21 – Gallery talk as part of the ‘12th Winds of Artist in Residence Exhibition Part I’
Participants: 67 general admissions (venue: Artists’ Gallery)

May 19 – The artist introduced his work to date, and discussed his plans for the Fukuoka residency artwork.
May 19 – The artist introduced his work to date, and discussed his plans for the Fukuoka residency artwork.
July 3 – Budi talked about his work to students visiting for an art excursion.
July 15 – Lecture and Review of the works from the ‘18th Kyushu High School Cultural Federation Exhibition of Art, Crafts, Calligraphy and Photography, Fukuoka’
July 15 – Lecture and Review of the works from the ‘18th Kyushu High School Cultural Federation Exhibition of Art, Crafts, Calligraphy and Photography, Fukuoka’
July 21 – Gallery talk as part of the ‘12th Winds of Artist in Residence Exhibition Part I’


July 21 – August 6 ‘12th Winds of Artist in Residence Exhibition Part I’
Total attendees: 1,409 (venue: Artists’ Gallery)