Special Exhibition

Waters in Asian Art

Jul 1, 2023 〜 Sep 3, 2023

Asia Gallery, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum

The Fukuoka Asian Art Museum is proud to present Waters in Asian Art, a group exhibition featuring the works of 8 contemporary artists from various Asian countries. This exhibition is held in commemoration of the World Aquatics Championships – Fukuoka 2023, which marks the event’s first return to Fukuoka City in 22 years.

When envisioning water in Asia, one can imagine the people residing in vast lands where numerous rivers flow and on islands adrift in the expansive ocean. One can also imagine the joys of the sea, rivers, and water’s abundant bounty, while also being aware of the occasional ferocity of nature.

This exhibition showcases fourteen artworks, including installations and video works. Some pieces explore the theme of the marine environment, while others depict individuals who bravely confront the perils of nature. Additionally, certain works express the artists’ personal backgrounds and inner selves through images of water, rivers, and the sea.

Furthermore, at the Boat Race Fukuoka site, which will host the opening ceremony of the World Aquatics Championships, a large fish-shaped bench designed by Taiwanese artist Eleng Luluan is installed. This bench allows wind to pass through, offering visitors a relaxing spot to leisurely gaze out at the sea.

We hope that through experiencing the diverse works centered around the theme of water, created by the eight artists featured in this exhibition, visitors will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of contemporary Asian art.


Mulyana [Indonesia], Afu (Afzal Shaafiu Hasan)[Maldives], Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba [Vietnam],
Kim Youngjin [South Korea], Eleng Luluan [Taiwan], Hisa Miwo [Kyoto/Fukuoka], Kim Sajik [Kyoto], Yamauchi Terue [Fukuoka]

Mulyana [Indonesia] Sea Remembers, 2018, Private collection, Courtesy of the ARTJOG
Eleng Luluan [Taiwan] The Sea Over There, 2018,
Collection of the TECLandArts Festival, Photo by Tommaso Muzzi
Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba [Japan/U.S./Vietnam] Memorial Project Nha Trang, Vietnum: Towards the Complex -For the Courageous, the Curious, and the Cowards, 2001, Collection: Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, Courtesy: the Artist/ Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo, Commissioned by Yokohama Triennale 2001
Eleng Luluan [Taiwan] Ali Sa be Sa be / Rugged Rock Cliffs, I Miss Everything in The Future, 2021, Collection of the artist
Afu (Afzal Shaafiu Hasan) [Maldives] A Maldivian Tale, 2012, Collection of the artist
Kim Sajik [Kyoto] navel, 2014, Collection of the artist
Yamauchi Terue [Fukuoka] Signal Wave, 2020-23, Collection of the artist
Hisa Miwo [Kyoto/Fkuoka], The path has led us here in this moment, 2019, Collection of the artist
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi
photo by Nagano Satoshi