Residency Exhibition

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum Support Program 2023
Sabri Idrus & Meliantha Muliawan Residency Exhibition & Artist Talk

*Dates Extended* The works by Sabri Idrus are on view until Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Jun 1, 2023 〜 Jun 20, 2023

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum 7F (In front of Asia Gallery, and Lounge M8)

Fukuoka Asian Art Museum have been welcoming the Winners of the United Overseas Bank(Singapore) Painting of the Year as residency artists in our support program. This year, we are happy to announce that the two artists, Sabri Idrus (Malaysia) and Meliantha Muliawan (Indonesia), who have been staying in Fukuoka since May 10th, have created their paintings or installation works as the result of their one-month residency at FAAM.


During his stay in Fukuoka, Sabri Idrus made his visit to Maizuru Park and Fukuoka Castle Ruins and walked around the place to learn about its history and architectural structures. Based on his research, the artist created paintings in detailed fresh colors by incorporating unconventional painting materials such as industrial paints or powders.


Born in a Chinese Indonesian family, Meliantha Muliawan became interested in religious practice in our daily lives. During her stay in Fukuoka, the artist visited Torikai hachimangu (shrine) and some temples in the Hakata Old Town where she collected images of religious items and decorations to create a delicate piece of installation.

Dates: Thursday, 1 June – Tuesday, 6 June 2023
*Exhibition Dates Extended* The works by Sabri Idrus will be on view until Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Venue: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum 7F (In front of Asia Gallery, and Lounge M8)

Admission: Free


◎Opening Artist Talk by Sabri Idrus and Meliantha Muliawan

Date: Sunday, 4 June 2023 13:00-14:00

Venue: In front of each artists’ work

The talk will be given in English with Japanese translation