Permanent Collection Exhibition

Vehicles Get Together!

Jun 30, 2022 〜 Sep 6, 2022

Asia Gallery, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum

 Vehicles are vital things in our lives. They play such a significant role whenever we go far or carry heavy things. There are different types of vehicles: bicycles that we ride by ourselves, bikes and cars that are driven by machines, trains or ferries that could carry many people and things at once, airplanes and rockets that fly in the sky, and many more. We could find lots of vehicles around us every day.
 In this exhibition, we have collected some paintings, photographs, and sculptures under the theme of vehicles that are familiar to us. Each of them is in different chapters, such as “Vehicles running on the land,” “Vehicles running on the water,” “Vehicles flying in the sky,” “Vehicles that are fun to ride,” “Vehicles that are hard-working,” and the exclusively creative and artistic, “Vehicles of the Gods.” We hope you enjoy a little bit different encounter with the vehicles as you explore each chapter.